Customer Shipment

Innovative Hard Drive Packaging

We see a lot of unusual boxes come through here, but this is something we haven’t seen before. A customer sent his hard drive in like this:


It looks pretty strong, but I don’t think it’s too feasible for us. They’d be rolling all over the office.

Customer Shipment

Secondhand Smoke is Bad for your TiVo!

I can’t believe the surgeon general isn’t all over this (or maybe it should be the technology czar?) but check out what secondhand smoke has done to the fan in this poor TiVo:


And that’s just the fan! I can’t even describe the hazmat situation of the rest of the unit.

Notice that your faithful hero is bare-handed on this one. That was a mistake.

So next time you’re enjoying a cigarette and relaxing, come on – think of the TiVo!

Customer Shipment TiVo Upgrade

Old-style TiVo Upgrade Bracket

There’s always something new coming through here. Check out this one:

Duct Tape Bracket

Amazingly, given the age of the unit and the drives, it seems to have worked like this for several years. That’s pretty shocking to us, considering how that foam below the Maxtor would just hold the heat right against the drive. And the duct tape (haven’t seen it in that color before) keeps the whole thing vibrating nicely.

People, PLEASE! Spend the $14 for a TiVo Series1 upgrade bracket in the future!

Customer Shipment

Unusual TiVo Packing Material

We’ve seen some strange customer shipments in the past, but we haven’t seen anything quite like this one. In a nod to recycling zealots worldwide, we got, and then promptly recycled, the packaging material from this TiVo that arrived here at WeaKnees today:


The TiVo is under there, in the bubble-wrap. Below the Huggies box. And the Moist Supreme box. And the Tuna Helper box.

Customer Contacts Customer Shipment

The Best TiVo Shipment Yet

OK, so this one probably isn’t exactly the fault of the customer, but maybe the shipping company? 

I’m pretty sure that with a little work we’ll get this baby up and running in no time.




So the moral of the story isn’t really “pack your TiVo well,” but “don’t let a truck run over your TiVo.”