WeaKnees News

HELP! I only have one week of guide data on my TiVo!

We are still getting emails from customers with this concern, so we thought a blog post might be a helpful way to address the issue.

Historically, TiVo DVRs have stored two weeks of program guide information. On March 2, 2012, TiVo made a change to the software on certain standard definition TiVos, which cut the guide data down to one week.

From what we understand, TiVo made this change to eliminate a problem being caused by bloated databases. There are now so many channels on cable and satellite, that the total amount of guide data was overloading the TiVo databases and causing the TiVos to generate errors when the data was being processed. To solve the problem, TiVo cut the guide data stored from two weeks to one.

If you have a TiVo that now has guide data going out a week, there is no need to be concerned….your TiVo is doing exactly what it should be doing.

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